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Events Listing

The following events are hosted annually or multiple times per year by your PTA.

Box Tops Program Saving boxtops brings money to our school.
Children’s Stage
Our children host their own play.
Cultural Events
Family Bingo Night Come and play, you may be the lucky winner.
Field Day Tons of fun in the field with games and activities
Holiday Gift Fair Event that allows your children to purchase holiday gifts.
Ice Cream Social Ice Cream Sundaes in the cafeteria and see our new
Mini-Grant Program PTA contributes to your child’s class trip.
Monster Mash Come in costume and have a ball.
Mother’s Day Craft Children make crafts to present to their mothers.
Original Artworks This optional program allows your child’s art to be displayed forever on a keepsake piece.
PTA Fundraiser This is the PTAs major fundraiser for the year. Please consider participating.
Red Cross Babysitting Babysitting training course given by the Red Cross.
Reflections National PTA’s Love the Arts program allows kids to showcase their talents in various media.
Scholastic Book Fair Hosted twice a year allows children and parents to come and purchase books.