The following events are hosted annually or multiple times per year by your PTA.
Box Tops Program | Saving boxtops brings money to our school. |
Children’s Stage Adventures |
Our children host their own play. |
Cultural Events | |
Family Bingo Night | Come and play, you may be the lucky winner. |
Field Day | Tons of fun in the field with games and activities |
Holiday Gift Fair | Event that allows your children to purchase holiday gifts. |
Ice Cream Social | Ice Cream Sundaes in the cafeteria and see our new T-Shirts/Sweatshirts |
Mini-Grant Program | PTA contributes to your child’s class trip. |
Monster Mash | Come in costume and have a ball. |
Mother’s Day Craft | Children make crafts to present to their mothers. |
Original Artworks | This optional program allows your child’s art to be displayed forever on a keepsake piece. |
PTA Fundraiser | This is the PTAs major fundraiser for the year. Please consider participating. |
Red Cross Babysitting | Babysitting training course given by the Red Cross. |
Reflections | National PTA’s Love the Arts program allows kids to showcase their talents in various media. |
Scholastic Book Fair | Hosted twice a year allows children and parents to come and purchase books. |